Business Needs
Our local independent businesses are under severe financial strain. We will collect resources here aimed at helping them weather the crisis. If you know of others, please let us know at 50waysrockbridge.org.
CARES Act: Child-care providers get Va. help
Virginia is receiving federal funding for an incentive grant to help existing child-care providers remain open to provide care for children of essential personnel during the state of emergency declared by Gov. Northam in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
For information about qualifications, and how to apply, click here.
NFIB: resources, webinars
to help small businesses
The National Federation of Independent Business -- NFIB -- is a member-driven organization advocating for small and independent business owners nationwide. Its website has COVID-related news and resources.
It has been conducting weekly coronavirus updates for small businesses and has scheduled an update on the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) on Wednesday, April 22.
Register here to attend; attendance is limited.
Main Street Lexington:
Main Street Lexington is working to provide support for downtown businesses affected by the coronavirus.
It is partnering with the Community Foundation for Rockbridge, Bath, and Alleghany on the local Covid-19 Relief Fund and is preparing an emergency fundraiser.
In the meantime, it is maintaining a listing of the status of local businesses. Submit updates to
Staunton Creative
Community Fund
The Staunton Creative Community Fund, based in Staunton, serves the central Shenandoah region with business training, assistance, and grants.
Its general COVID-19 resource page is here.
It has created an emergency loan fund (up to $5,000; 0% interest). Application here.
The News-Gazette
Our local newspaper is providing low-cost ad rates for any business that needs to update the public on its status.
Pay $15/week for 3.25" x 2" ad. Contact Gay Lea Goodbar for more information, at (540) 463-3113 or advertising@thenews-gazette.com.
CARES Act: US government loans, grants
The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) provides forgivable loans to small businesses who retain their employees during the crisis. Read about it here.
The Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) provides up to $2 million loans at 3.75% for up to 30 years. Read about it here.
The EIDL has a *new* COVID-19 Disaster Loan advance of up to $10,000. According to the Small Business Administration: "The loan advance will provide economic relief to businesses that are currently experiencing a temporary loss of revenue. This loan advance will not have to be repaid." Apply here.
F&M Bank, based in Rockingham County, has put together a useful one page overview of the PPP vs. the EIDL programs, here.