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How to get Driver Privilege
Cards and ITIN for taxes

Virginia laws give driver privileges and in-state tuition to tax-paying residents, regardless of immigration status.


To obtain a driver privilege card, immigrants will have to meet the requirements to obtain a standard driver’s license, but must also prove to have filed an income tax return. 


50 Ways is working with W&L tax experts and others to help local workers file taxes so they can apply for the driver privilege card. 


The Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis, a nonprofit policy group in Richmond, estimated the law would result in between 124,500 and 160,792 new drivers being licensed, according to a report in the Virginia Mercury. This would generate a minimum of $10 million in new title fees, sales tax receipts, license plate fees and new car registrations.


The tuition law makes all students eligible for in-state college tuition, regardless of immigration or citizenship status, as long as they’ve attended high school in Virginia for at least two years or graduated since July 1, 2008 and can show proof of filing Virginia taxes.


A 2019 report from the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute found that roughly 2,000 undocumented students graduate from Virginia high schools every year, according to the most recently available data from the U.S. Census Bureau. 

Les agradecemos de todo corazón a la Clínica de Impuestos de W&L por crear este vídeo sobre cómo conseguir el ITIN (el número de identificación de impuestos para individuos). Muchas gracias también a ESOL (Lizzie Figueiras y Jackie Tamez) y a Charlie Mayock-Bradley por traducir el vídeo al español. Y gracias a Pete Jetton por la ayuda técnica.


Heartfelt thanks to the W&L Tax Clinic for creating this video on how to get an ITIN. Thanks as well to ESOL (Lizzie Figueiras and Jackie Tamez) and Charlie Mayock-Bradley for translating the video to Spanish. And thanks to Pete Jetton for the technical assistance.

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